Friday, August 23, 2013

What's your deal? How do you do it?

OMG it's friday! I thought this day would never come..... What a week!

     I'm answering questions from a friend today regarding my routine and how I do what I do, that is being Paleo with kids and all.

Here we go-----  Remember, I don't consider myself and the advice I offer the "end all be all, but it works for me and my family. You are the only expert in your life!  

Q: From someone I knew since we were in the womb. Parents were in birthing class together! 
Love your blog--here's my questions. How can I do this when my kids favorite foods are all pastas or rice--make different meals for them? How do you do this on a daily basis (ie do you cook everything one day for the week, etc). Is there anything you can put in coffee? Do you "cheat"?

 A:  Your child(ren) eat what you prepare for them, unless they can cook and shop, they can eat what you make. As my mom and dad said,"here's dinner, take it, or leave it." After a 1/2 or full day of not eating that crap (AKA- veggies and healthy food) the child(ren) will come around---->or starve. JK JK I hope not.

Brooklyn and Delaney are Paleo babies!!!!!

But like every change it has to be in small steps.
I was very reluctant to start Paleo coming from a 10 year stint as a vegetarian and thought my life NEEEEDDDDED grains to live! Boy, I was wrong!

Unless you want to drive yourself batty and make a $hit ton of more work for yourself, DO NOT MAKE SEPARATE MEALS! Your future daughter-in-laws and son-in-laws will hate you for pampering your kids! Can I ask you a question? Why do you want to stop eating processed foods and still have your children eating it? I'll answer it.

For the fiber, vitamins, calcium and vit D in the fortified cereals and milk, Keri. They love spaghetti and meatballs.

Do they love the plain old pasta? or the stuff on it? I love the sauce and toppings, I just put them on veggies now. Yellow, green, spaghetti squash; all so yummy! If you need ideas just ask!!! The kids/husband will never know what hit them!

On a daily basis, I do not prepare very well. This question actually has me evaluating my cooking and stuff because I'm sure it could be easier. As of September 14, 2012, I can officially say I DON'T cook!!! Ryan does! That day I went on bedrest till the birth of the twins. He does cook, because I do not have time too.  I will prepare the ingredients as best as possible and he cooks. Truth be told, our meals have fallen by the wayside since the babies came home and just consists of raw ingredients and not much thought. I loved to read thru cookbooks and paleoize them. I need to get back to that....sighhhh. I take the meat of the morning of, let it thaw and Ryan cooks the veg at dinner time. Kind of lame. Look at my past entries for the YUMMY food I had time to make!

I drink coffee black. But what you can do is use HEAVY CREAM. That is paleo/primal because it hasn't been stripped or processed. I have grown accustom to the black coffee and love the taste of good coffee. Wawa, dunkin..yeah but there is some good stuff out there but can get expensive.

If adding something to your coffee is the worst thing you do that day, so be it! 

"Do I cheat?"

YES, YES, YES. I have too. I found that if you don't, you will fail. If you want to continue to live on paleo indefinitely, you need to cheat. Now "cheat" can be used in MANY different ways.
My brother-in-law cheats when he orders a steak and veggies from a local restaurant because he doesn't know what or how the meal is prepared (ie. salt amount, oils used, butter or lard, processed sauces)

I cheat and have pizza, or RITA's or a donut :)

 For the paleo way of life to be benefical for you health-wise- you need to be 80/20. Eat paleo 80% of the time and the other 20% not paleo. How you or what you consider 80/20 is up to you. Break up the day or the week or the month (eat clean all week, weekends dive in to junk, have a dessert everyday, or pick the 15th of every month to go hell bent on crap). The point of paleo is to REDUCE ILLNESS, INFLAMMATION, UNDERLYING ALIMENTS, SKIN DISORDERS, BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS, SLEEPING PROBLEMS, ADD, ETC) So, if you "cheat" often, don't expect the results you could potentially see! PALEO DOES WORK IF USED PROPERLY and more consist to see a weight loss ( if need be) and fix the aforementioned aliments above. 

Peace, love, hope and sweat

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