Thursday, August 22, 2013

How to get started

I got a text this am from a friend who prompted this entry. A relatively healthy, athletic, female with all that conventional wisdom public education has given us, and a Master's degree to boot, but when she put it all together, it still wasn't jiving for her needs!
"I'm looking to do a nutrition overhaul for myself, tired of the same old stuff, lack of energy, etc. "

People are reluctant to change. People like routine and same old, same old even if they tell you otherwise.
That's the hardest part- change, not the "diet" itself. Paleo isn't a diet. You can live on it because it is not a restriction of calories, like other fad diets.

Here is the run down on how to start LIVING!

  1. DETOX- as in "get rid of the crap". If it stays FRESH for longer than 2-3 days (excluding bananas- those buggers can stay ripe for a while), to the trash it goes, or donate it. For some, any food is good food! Don't waste.
    1. Including dairy, anything in the pantry other than oils, spices, and such. Those crackers, cookies, bars, oatmeal, flour, candies, and chocolate other than >75%cacao
  2. RETRAIN- Retrain yourself from that bad habit of grabbing a bag of chips before sitting on the couch to watch Dancing with the Stars. Have you ever got to work, then thought, "How did I get here?" Your brain makes patterns of recognition when you do a tasks repetitively. Having something engrained is true. Start a new habit! Something crunchy, carrots or kale chips!!!
  3. START- Make your next meal, regardless of the day of week or if you have a party this weekend where you will be tempted with crap. There are no MONDAY'S to Paleo. Just begin at your next meal and you will see the difference. If your next meal was supposed to be spaghetti, still divulge, but make it spaghetti squash!
Give it 3 solid days of B/L/D. the fullness, belly bloat, and energy crashes (well, maybe this one takes a few more days) will be GONE.

Long story short-

Food pyramid as seen on Mark's Daily Apple

EAT- Fruits, Vegetables, and Meats.

Don't EAT- processed foods, dairy, things from a box, things that you can keep on your shelf for months and then eat, and, lastly, no alcohol. 

I know, I know. However, it's known that Clear aged Tequila is PALEO! 


Click here to start today!

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