Monday, September 5, 2011


Hello and welcome to Real life Paleo. I plan to use this site instead of my facebook due to the NUMEROUS posts I usually submit daily!! Just trying to give my friends a break!

As I write this, The View is on and there is a very controversial topic about hotdogs. HELLOOO people! Just because Indiana posted a bill board stating that one serving of fried, or food that adds nitrates a day increases your chance of getting colorectal cancer by 20% doesn’t mean that its new NEWS. The public is in the dark about so many issues regarding health and I hope that I get to shed some light on these issues to help enrich the lives of others!

So what is paleo....
well it’s exceptionally simple! Following a Paleo diet involves no measuring or calorie counting (if you aren’t interested in quick weight loss anyway). All you need to do is remember this mantra:

Meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, a little starch and NO SUGAR!

You can get a little more complicated than that by also avoiding legumes and nightshade type foods or consuming everything (including meat) raw, but in a nutshell (pun intended) the simple sentence above is all you need to keep in mind when eating.
The basic theory is that food should only be eaten as they were by our ancestors – as food should be eaten, given how our bodies and organs operate. So some of the things that should not be eaten include dairy products, sugar or sugar substitues and wheat based products or high glycemic veggies such as corn. Animal fat is fine (and actually encouraged) (
PS- First time blogger so please be kind if they seem sub-par! I hope to enrich my blog content daily!!

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